How to Take Care of Micro link Hair Extensions?
Micro Link hair extensions are a type of extension that is attached to hair with the help of micro beads. These bonding would not get disturbed by regular washing or cleaning methods. It is important that a proper care regime is followed to reap maximum benefits of micro link hair extensions. To get micro link extension for hair, one would need to visit salon. It does not require usage of any chemicals or adhesives and heat to fix these hair strands. In this method, hair to hair beading is done to get extensions.
Combing Instructions
Combing for hair extensions that is micro linked would require brushing them with extensions brush. Do not use simple brush on these extensions. It would harm beads and your extensions would tend to fall off early than expected.
No Heat
Do not use any type of heat for the micro linked hair extension. This would lead to damaging beads of extension. Using flat irons, curlers or a too close blow dry for styling should be avoided with this hair extension.
Avoid all Possible Tangles
Any method of hair handling that would get your hair tangled should be avoided. Do not let your hair open around in heavy winds or other temperature changes. Tangles are not good for your hair. It would lead to extended hair breakage. Also sleeping with your hair wet would lead to breakage of hair strands.
Be your Own Expert
Often people do not like to visit professionals regularly for the maintenance of hair strands. They apply chemicals and relaxers themselves on hair without help of professionals. This would lead to damage and fall of extended hair as well as your natural hair. Always avoid such temptations to be your own expert and seek help of professionals wherever and whenever required.
Keeping Extensions for Long
Do not allow extensions to stay on your hair for duration of more than 3 months. Ask experts if condition of your extended hair is good. They would guide you further. But allowing extended hair to stay as it is for long duration would harm your scalp and natural hair.
There are a few types of micro hair extension that are less complicated to take care of, like hairdreams hair extensions. Other hair extensions that are micro linked can be searched in market. But it is better to go through the pros and cons of usage before going for any micro linked extension.