Importance of Regular Hair Trimming

Importance of Regular Hair Trimming

We all love our tresses. Who doesn’t adore shiny and split end free locks? We women know how much we envy the girl sitting next to us with exquisite and fine hair. But what’s important is the series of steps an individual takes towards maintaining those lovely locks.

First thing first, we all have heard it since our childhood days that one of the easiest steps towards healthy hair is regular hair cut. No. As important as a hair cut is for the people who get easily bored of their hair style that important is hair trimming for the ones who want healthy locks. Yes, hair trimming and hair cut should not be confused with.

Hair trimming is basically getting the hair clean cut by half an inch or maximum one inch when our hair thins out as well as in order to get rid of the frizzy split ends; whereas, hair cut is getting a different styling all together where the length of one’s hair can vary depending on the style chosen.

As most of us tend to avoid oiling our hair and indulge in hair coloring, hair straightening and smoothening, our hair tends to get rid of the basic moisture which is essential towards its growth. Hence our hair becomes more fragile and is prone to split ends, which we need to do away with if we believe in regular beauty regime, as hair is an essential part of our day to day management.

But any idea how often one should get her hair trimmed? Yes, it’s essential, because on an average our hair grows only half an inch in every four weeks i.e. a month. Of course it depends from individual to individual.

And most often we misunderstand the word “regularly”. Hence as per few stylists they suggest a regular trim of about 8 to 12 weeks for woman with long hair whereas 6 to 8 weeks for woman with short hair. This could vary from person to person depending on their day to day habits as well as on the hair products one indulges in.

Hence if you want to get rid of the split ends, hair breakage and get those lovely locks and stimulate your hair growth do not hesitate to consult your hair stylist on the details of regular hair trimming and the best suited products for your hair.

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