How To Straighten Your Hair Naturally
No one on earth likes frizzy, kinky and twisted hair. It’s every person’s aspiration to have perfectly even and straight hair. Many people settle on artificial hair treatments that give temporary results and require frequent revisions. If you want a good treatment, you can visit a Brazilian keratin salon for keratin treatment. However, there are several ways to straighten your hair by natural means. Please dig deep into all of them!
Eggs and Olive Oil
Eggs smell really bad, no? They do. The same eggs have lots to offer to our hair, though. Millions of benefits are hidden in this one ingredient which is available in everyone’s pantry.
First and foremost, you just need to take 2 whole eggs and combine them with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. The two ingredients should be thoroughly mixed — it’s time-consuming but totally worth it. Secondly, you got to apply this mixture on your hair and leave it to sit well for an hour or so. Afterwards, wash your hair with chilled water and sulfate-free shampoo. After you get them dried and combed, you will see an instant change in your hair.
You are suggested to repeat this process four times a month to get natural straightening. You will soon see straight and strong hair within a few months.
Rice Flour and Eggs
Rice flour is often used in many skin-centric treatments but it also turns out to be a beneficial thing for our hair. And, egg is a hair-specialist without a shadow of doubt.
While preparing the mask, you got to mix 5 tablespoons of rice flour with 1 egg — only the white of it. Mix a little milk in case you find the mixture too dense, but be careful with the quantity you are adding to it. Blend it well and carefully apply it on your hair. Wear a swim cap if you like, and leave it for almost an hour. Wash your hair off after 60 minutes, to be exact, and leave them to dry on their own.
You can use this mask twice a week to get desired results. You may not miss out on its regular use at all costs.
Aloe Vera – The Master of All Trades
Aloe Vera is the dearest ingredient of all those who believe in natural remedies — be it hair, skin, or anything else. Aloe vera is the finest ingredient to straighten and smoothen your hair; whether you apply it alone or you mix it with plenty of other fruitful ingredients.
You are advised to take any oil of your choice and heat it up for a minute or two. Then, mix it with quarter a cup of aloe vera. Apply the mixture on your hair with extra care and caution. Leave your hair for 40 minutes to absorb the mixture. Eventually, wash it off and let your hair dry. Don’t make the mistake of drying hair with hair dryer.
You can apply this mixture as often as you want. You can oil your hair almost every day.
Milk Spray
Some people prefer to soak their hair in milk to get the desired results, however, we recommend to fill milk in an empty spray bottle and squirt it at your hair for 15 minutes. Get all your hair spritzed and leave them for 45 minutes and allow the milk to sink in. Wash your hair diligently after an hour or less than that.
Also, comb your hair before they dry. Legend has it, combing your wet hair also straightens your hair naturally. There’s no harm in trying something apparently safe.
Blend of Castor and Coconut Oil
You are mostly forbidden to use anything to an immoderate extent, but oiling your hair is certainly an exception. There are no special days of the week for oiling your hair; you can get your hair oiled 7 days of the week, if you want. It’s up to your wish.
Usually oil is mixed with another solid ingredient to liquefy it, but here you are being recommended to take two different kinds of oil and fuse them thoroughly. Apply this blend of coconut and castor oil on your hair and leave it for one n a half hour. It’s better to wash it off with lukewarm water, however, cool water will also not be detrimental in any case.
That’s it. You can try the above options. If they are tough or you are short on time, go to a hair straightening salon Potomac for permanent hair straightening.